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Programs of Study

Majors, minors, and programs in the Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies at the University of Georgia. Major Degrees

A.B. In German

The German major is designed to provide students with communicative proficiency in the German language and competency in the interpretation of German culture. Following the completion of basic requirements, the program offers optimal flexibility to the individual student who can choose from a variety of courses and, under the guidance of a faculty mentor, devise a curriculum geared towards his or her specific career goals and intellectual interests. The department is comprised of specialists in the major areas of German Studies who integrate language teaching with the teaching of German literature, linguistics, film, and culture studies as well as important aspects of contemporary German society, business, and politics.

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A.B. in Russian

The Russian major is intended to help you develop advanced language proficiency and acquire a deep understanding of Russian culture. The requirements are designed to allow you flexibility in pursuing your own interests (including study of related Slavic languages/cultures, if desired). Students often combine a Russian major with a second major in a related field, such as International Affairs, History, Linguistics, etc. Russian study can easily be combined with virtually any other major and will expand your future career opportunities.

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 Minor Degrees

German Minor

The German minor requires 15 hours of coursework (5 courses). It is designed to allow students to achieve a significant level of proficiency in German and insight into German culture as a secondary area of concentration in addition to their major. Courses used to satisfy Core Areas I-V or requirements for the student's major may not be used simultaneously to satisfy requirements for the minor.

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Russian Minor

The Russian minor requires 15 hours of coursework (5 courses). It is designed to allow students to achieve a significant level of proficiency in Russian and insight into Russian culture as a secondary area of concentration in addition to their major. Courses used to satisfy Core Areas I-V or requirements for the student's major may not be used simultaneously to satisfy requirements for the minor.

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Dual Degrees

Dual Undergraduate Degree in Engineering + German

In today's increasingly globalized society, the well-rounded engineering graduate who speaks fluent German and possesses deep intercultural competence and international work experience will truly stand out in the job market. With the ENGR+GRMN dual degree, you can earn two bachelor degrees in five years (A.B.GRMN and BSE), plus spend a capstone year abroad studying and interning with a German company. All with generous funding. At the University of Georgia, you have the unique opportunity to distinguish yourself by earning a degree that is far more than the sum of its parts.

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Double Dawgs Dual Degree in German (AB/TESOL) + World Language Education (MAT)

This program is ideal for a student looking to teach world languages in Georgia P-12 public schools. We offer a range of courses and electives to accommodate your needs and interests. This program fulfills requirements for the master's degree and T-5 certification. You will also earn the ESOL endorsement for grades K-12 through the MAT program in World Language Education!

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Double Dawgs Dual Degree in German (A.B. + M.A.)

An M.A. in German from UGA's Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages puts students in an excellent position to be accepted into the most competitive Ph.D. programs in German in the country. (Teaching jobs are available with an M.A. degree at smaller colleges in Georgia and throughout the U.S.). With their excellent training in pedagogy and experience in the classroom, many of our graduates go on to teach German in high schools. Georgia schools require formal teacher certification, which is not part of the regular M.A. in German and the Double Dawgs program. However, our department partners with the College of Education to offer a dual (three-year) M.A./M.A.T. degree, which includes teaching certification. Double Dawgs students are eligible to apply for this program as well. Upon completion, they would have a German A.B., M.A., and M.A.T. in Education within six years instead of the traditional seven.

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Double Dawgs Dual Degree in Russian (AB) + International Policy (MIP)

Many government positions now prefer and even require a master’s degree. This Double Dawg pathway affords high-achieving undergraduate students the opportunity to hone their interest and expand their analytic skills in preparation for policy-oriented careers in government, multinational corporations, consultancies, as well as intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. The MIP curriculum builds on foundations of theory, method, and practice, addressing a range of contemporary security concerns with an emphasis on interagency collaboration. Specialized tracks focusing on nonproliferation and human security prepare students for careers inside and outside of the government. While many students seek the MIP as their final professional degree, the Double Dawg pathway will also allow students to earn their master’s degree with the ability of later entering a Ph.D. or other advanced degree programs to pursue careers in academia.

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Certificate Programs

Russian Flagship Program Certificate

This program is open to all undergraduates in our program, which is one of only six Russian Flagship programs in the US. This certification is highly regarded by Employers. 

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Support Germanic and Slavic Studies at UGA

The Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies appreciates your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. 

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